
Writing pages

Pages are written in markdown files in the pages directory.


Malta supports most standard markdown syntaxes. It also includes basic syntax highlighting for code blocks.

Regular text.



# Headings 1~6



const message = "hello world";

-   item 1
-   item 2

1. item 1
2. item 2

> Note: This is a blockquote

| key     | value |
| ------- | ----- |
| message | hello |


Add pages must have a title attribute.

title: "Malta documentation"

You can add links to variables inside code blocks by defining a key-value by prefixing it with //$, and prefixing the target variable with $$. Both the comments and $$ will be removed when rendered.

//$ Message=/reference
const message: $$Message = {
  to: "user",
  content: "Hello!",

Syntax highlighting

Syntax highlighting for the following languages are currently provided:

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JSON